Safari Tipping Guide

Tipping is commonplace across Africa and it’s a good idea to keep a supply of small bills with you (either in US Dollars or the local currency).
Tipping is not included in the cost of your trip and below are suggested tipping amounts, but you may decide to tip less or more, depending on the level of service you receive. Likewise, a lodge may advise of their own suggested tipping amount locally, which may differ slightly from our own recommendation. Tipping is usually preferred in cash.

We recommend a tip of USD15 per person per day to your specific guide. We also recommend a USD15 total tip per day for the communal tip box – this covers all the people behind the scenes. Tipping is always done at the end of a stay, not during.
Family and large group tipping
Generally, you tip less per person, so a family of five could expect to pay around USD50 to the camp staff and USD60 to the guide in total per day.
Beach lodges and hotels holiday tips
Tipping is rarely expected when staying on the beach, and should only be done as a reward for good service. Beach lodges sometimes have a communal staff gratuity box, which will be distributed to all members of staff including those behind the scenes.
Gorilla tracking tips
If your holiday includes gorilla tracking please also allow an extra USD30 per guest per day to include USD15 to the head guide, USD10 for any back up guide and USD5 (per group) to each tracker.
Porters are available on most gorilla tracks and we suggest taking one to carry your backpack and assist when the going gets steeper or slippery. They’re not paid a wage and it’s an additional way for the community to earn money from gorilla conservation. The porters are generally paid USD15 each per track and we suggest a tip of USD5.
Chimp tracking tips
If your holiday includes chimp tracking please also allow an extra USD20 per guest per day to include USD10 to the head guide, USD5 to the tracker and USD5 to the national parks scout.
Cultural Experiences/Dances tips
Drummers or dancers may come to your camp or lodge. This is an optional activity but if you attend, we do recommend that you tip USD5 to USD10 per person.